I have a thirsty fish in me that can never find enough of what it's thirsty for!

--- Jelaluddin Rumi


My thirsty fish always keeps me restless ---- always keeps me curious ---- always keeps me searching for more. The more I know, the more I realize how much I do not know. The more I experience, the more I realize how much more there is to experience.

What would I like to find?

A feeling of the possible

A milieu that is inspiring, provocative, and engaging

An environment of collaboration, cooperation, and support

The time to conceive

A space in which to work

The time to complete

In short ---- everything.

As a dancer or choreographer I am, in the immortal words of Mr. Spock, "attempting the hell to communicate." The steps and the technique compose the vocabulary and grammar. In order to transmit information and have a chance at coherent reception, I must approach the making and doing of dance with clarity and honesty in both thought and intent. Guided by this, it is then possible to work from the specific (and at times the personal) toward the universal. At this time it becomes possible to engage the audience on an emotionally and intellectually stimulating level regardless if the work is narrative or abstract, comic or tragic, beautiful, challenging, or provocative.

So there it is ---- what I aspire to ----

The creation and development of well-considered dance work that communicates clearly to the audience.

In short ---- everything.